Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Tonal Landscape

Mrs Paton (student teacher) was teaching Room 20 about tones of colours using paint and a paintbrush.  So we decided to do Tonal Landscapes. To create this a.m.a.z.i.n.g landscape you have to draw lines to create the landscapes, you can choose to put a silhouette or not. Next you get your base base which you paint in the middle.  After that you add white, paint, add white, paint etc until you get to the top of the paper. The last thing you want to do is do the exact same thing you did before but instead of using white, you have to use black.  This will create the effect that the blackest part is nearer to you.  

I found it hard to paint the silhouette because I couldn't get the curves of the bush the way I wanted it so what I did was try my best to just paint straight on.  And it turned out better than I expected. The easiest thing was adding the bits of white to make it lighter and adding the black to make it darker was a bit harder.
Overall I LOVED painting this landscape! Also a special thanks to Mrs Paton for helping and encouraging me to do my best and it turned out PERFECT!!!

~ Catherine


Anonymous said...

I love the way you have graduated the colour in this art. You have a good understanding of how to make tints and tones :)

Anonymous said...

It looks so real and also the bushy bush hehe.