Saturday, 25 May 2013

Mathletics Award

WOO HOO! 3rd place! I never knew that I had that much points! Going on Mathletics actually helped me learn lots of things, in class we have this leaderboard called 'Mathletes of the Week' Each day our teacher updates the scores and then people with the most points gets to be on the top 3! Having the leaderboard encouraged me to go on more so one day, SOON I can get first place!!!

~ Catherine

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Comparing Characters

In Room 20 we have been reading a novel called 'Bridge To Terbithia' We read a chapter everyday after morning tea. We are learning to describe the characters in the story. This is a Venn Diagram shows the differences between Jess & Leslie. Jess & Leslie are the 2 main characters in the story and as the story goes on and they get to know each other more they are having lots of things in common. I found it easy to find the differences because the story had lots of information about the 2 characters and it was obvious. For example it explicitly said Jess was very poor and Leslie was very wealthy!
I really enjoy reading this novel and I can't wait to finish the book!
~ Catherine

Wednesday, 1 May 2013


Hey There!

Welcome to blog! It's a place where all of my learning evidence will be shared with the world! I am a Year 6 student at Elm Park School in NZ.  My favourite subjects are netball, maths, writing and spelling. (I also have the best teacher ever!) And I'd love to see you come in and check out my blog and leave positive comments and feedback! I will be looking forwards to hear from you :) AND... I LOVE seeing my pageviews counter go up :D

~ Catherine