Tuesday, 2 July 2013

What Why How Chart

This is a What Why How Chart. It's a new way of planning a persuasive piece of writing. I used it to plan out my B.B Ball T.V Commercial. I really helped me to know what I'm writing about and what I should do...  
~ Catherine

Monet Garden

Here is how you can create this masterpiece:
(requires lots of patience and skills such as sponging, sticky taping and using a paintbrush)
1. Draw the horizon line and the pond
2. Use masking tape to create the fence. Above or below or in the middle of the horizon line.
3. Use a sponge to sponge the grass. Using the colours yellow and green, Claude Monet never mixes colours together so try not to mix... and another great tip is to use the sponge as if you're making the sponge hop like a kangaroo!
4. Next you will need some cardboard, put a gulp of dark blue on the tip of the cardboard and then spread it out. Then you put a little bit of white on top of the blue to create the clouds. If you like you can add light blue too! And then drag it across and try not to go over it again and again...
5. Now it's time to do the bushes using green for the bushes and blue for the shadow. Use blue because Monet never uses black.
6. Next you paint the pond with a paintbrush with white and blue.
7.Lilly pads! We had to use a brush and the colours... Yellow, pink and red.
8. Then we did the dots of flowers with the end of the brush (the wooden bit) and dipped it in different types of colours. and dotted it on the bushes and grass
9 .Nearly done! Time to do the path, you can use any colour you want in any technique but I chose brown stepping stones using a sponge!
10. FINALLY!!! Carefully rip off the masking tape.. Be careful or it might rip the paper. (it depends on what masking tape you use) Like I didn't use very good masking tape so it make it have a textured effect. Which made it unique!

Above is my painting of Monet Garden, I found it really hard to sponge because whenever I push down the sponge there would be lines because if the sides of the sponge. I learnt that by pinching the 4 sides with your finger it can lift up the sides of the sponge and it won't leave anything on your nice paper. My favourite part was cardboard dragging the sky and putting the masking tape on to create the definite lines of the fences.

If you have any questions feel free to put them in the comment box...
~ Catherine

Tonal Landscape

Mrs Paton (student teacher) was teaching Room 20 about tones of colours using paint and a paintbrush.  So we decided to do Tonal Landscapes. To create this a.m.a.z.i.n.g landscape you have to draw lines to create the landscapes, you can choose to put a silhouette or not. Next you get your base base which you paint in the middle.  After that you add white, paint, add white, paint etc until you get to the top of the paper. The last thing you want to do is do the exact same thing you did before but instead of using white, you have to use black.  This will create the effect that the blackest part is nearer to you.  

I found it hard to paint the silhouette because I couldn't get the curves of the bush the way I wanted it so what I did was try my best to just paint straight on.  And it turned out better than I expected. The easiest thing was adding the bits of white to make it lighter and adding the black to make it darker was a bit harder.
Overall I LOVED painting this landscape! Also a special thanks to Mrs Paton for helping and encouraging me to do my best and it turned out PERFECT!!!

~ Catherine

Ridiculously Big Numbers!!!

WOW! I didn’t even know numbers have names for numbers that big! It was really fun finding out the numbers, it was sooo easy because my partner was typing and me and my other partner was writing down the numbers so it made it extra extra easier! Next time I could try doing the typing and I could try to use these numbers in maths to WOW the teachers!

~ Catherine

(if you want to find out even larger numbers click on the link and it will take you there:D)

Welcome to El Salvador!

Mr Fitz has been travelling around Central America for the last 2 months. Sometimes he would give us hints and Room 20 would have to guess where he is! So Mrs G (teacher) decided to put our homework task as find out about the countries Mr Fitz has visited, here are some of the countries.  Mexico, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, El Salvador and Guatemala.  Out of ALL those countries I chose.... EL SALVADOR!  I really REALLY enjoyed researching hope you like it as much as I liked researching about it!
~ Catherine   

World Ocean Day Presentation

4 weeks ago, it was World Oceans Day! Our homework task was to tell people how we use the ocean, what if future generations couldn't do that, promises etc. It was sooo fun because it was the first time using 'Google Presentations' I thouhgt it would be hard but it was soooooo easy! We found out about this place called Midway Attol which is located just north of Hawaii and that is the place where ALL of our rubbish is going and birds and sea life is dieing :( I has to do alot of research and below is a website that helped me find my facts/ideas and there is lots of information about Worlds Ocean Day :)
~ Catherine

How does Rubbish Affect Marine Life?

How does rubbish affect marine life?
In NZ there are hundreds and hundreds of people dropping plastic rubbish and they seem to not know or not care where the rubbish leads to and what happens to it. All rubbish goes down drains and drains leads to the ocean...
People drop rubbish on the ground either if it’s accidental or on purpose. It gets caught by the wind and goes out to the sea! Or it gets down the stormwater drains and then goes to the sea. When it gets to the ocean it floats on the surface on the water and then sea creatures think its food for them to eat! 100,000 sea animals die each year. All the leftover rubbish that is floating gets caught in gyres and most of the plastic goes to north of Hawai’i. There is this type of plastic that is THE WORST it is called ‘nurdles’ They are 3.33 millimeter plastic things and are the base of most plastic products.  Fish eats the plastic and also goes up the food chain. Environmentalists and Scientists say that the oil from the plastic and from the fish act like magnets, even if we don’t eat the stomach of the fish you eat the meat and the stomach and the meat attract each other so the meat has the dirty, disgusting oil.Things like bottle tops, plastic containers, plastic bottles get photo-degraded which means it gets broken down by the sun and turns into 10,000,000 small pieces of plastic. Or Bio-degrade which means it breaks down naturally.  Later on a little fish will eat the plastic and a bigger fish will eat the small fish so on and so on. At the end the biggest fish gets all the plastic from the other fishes and you might not know the fish could end up on your dinner plate. That there is called Bio-accumulate, it around and around the food chain. If we keep doing this we will have no more beautiful blue beaches,seas and no more fishing for fresh fish anymore because all the fish would’ve probably died.  No one would go to the beach and do fun fun things.  NZ is known for our beaches, tourists won’t come and visit NZ and our population will go down and probably NZ, sea creatures and even birds will become extinct. 100,000 sea mammals die each year! You can help by reducing the amount of plastic rubbish and when you see a piece of rubbish don’t just walk past it pick it up! A little can do ALOT! Be awesome and do everything you can to help the ocean!

By: Catherine

Leslie's Obituary

This is my obituary for the death of Leslie Burke, Room 20 has just finished reading the book 'Bridge to Terabithia' It was awesome! And then my teacher said that we had to write an obituary... I thought what in the world is an obituary??? Later that day she gave the class an example, a obituary for Steve Jobs! Then we listed the things that the people who  wrote it put in there. We spotted the date, how it happened, who was involved, occupation, what did family and friends say etc.  I found it really easy because I LOVE WRITING and it was lots of fun it also made me feel how sad and devastating it is to have your best friend pass away :(  To be honest with you the date and time is made up because the book didn't tell me anything about the date and time. Room 20 also watched the movie and we found things that are very different from the book... I HIGHLY recommend you read and watch 'Bridge to Terabithia'

~ Catherine