Friday, 27 September 2013

T3W7 | Marketing Cat-Soph-a-licious

Hey hey :)
This is my homework I did in Week 7, It had to be on,  if you were to market yourself What would your packaging look like? What would your catchy product title be? What would it say on the box?
Think about the types of packaging you have seen on other products. Think about colour, slogans etc
And me and my friends Sophia decided to do our homework together :) I came up with the name Cat-Soph-a-licious!! We worked really hard and attempted to make it real but homework was due on FRIDAY but we decided to do it on THURSDAY so we just canned it and maybe we could do it next time! I had lots of fun and it would be awesome to do homework like that again :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW! You and your friends must have worked really hard to achieve this! It's awesome! I'm going to try and do something like yours!!