Saturday, 25 May 2013

Mathletics Award

WOO HOO! 3rd place! I never knew that I had that much points! Going on Mathletics actually helped me learn lots of things, in class we have this leaderboard called 'Mathletes of the Week' Each day our teacher updates the scores and then people with the most points gets to be on the top 3! Having the leaderboard encouraged me to go on more so one day, SOON I can get first place!!!

~ Catherine


Anonymous said...

I love that you are working so hard on Mathletics! You show lots of initiative by asking for lessons on topics you need help with. I think it's really amazing that we have the ability for you to be able to do that now. Keep up your fabulous work!

Anonymous said...

WOO HOO for you!!!

Anonymous said...

You must have wanted it big time congrates on winning it you deserve it.