Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Comparing Characters

In Room 20 we have been reading a novel called 'Bridge To Terbithia' We read a chapter everyday after morning tea. We are learning to describe the characters in the story. This is a Venn Diagram shows the differences between Jess & Leslie. Jess & Leslie are the 2 main characters in the story and as the story goes on and they get to know each other more they are having lots of things in common. I found it easy to find the differences because the story had lots of information about the 2 characters and it was obvious. For example it explicitly said Jess was very poor and Leslie was very wealthy!
I really enjoy reading this novel and I can't wait to finish the book!
~ Catherine

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done Catherine. I can see that you have put a lot of effort into this work. You have paid careful attention to the story to pick out these personality traits.